Musique et 7ème Art
Vincent Bidal , piano
Julie Sévilla Fraysse , violoncelle
Eglise de Haguenau, 17h
French Touch
Anastasia Calmus, piano
Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello
Galerie Dorée Banque de France
Apashe, Zenith de Paris-La Villette
Master Classes - Conservatoire de Cannes
Chamber Music Concert
Lucie PEYRAMAURE : soprano
Julie SEVILLA-FRAYSSE : violoncelle
Patrick NEBBULA : piano
Duo cello and harp with Anja Linder
Auditorium Cocteau , 20h30
French Touch , recital
Carriage House Violins of Johnson Tring Instrument
chamber music concert ,
Anja Linder , hrap
Laurent Korcia, violin
Julie Sévilla Fraysse, cello
Conservatoire Rostropovitch Landowski
Lets’Dance, Recital
Anastasia Calmus, piano
Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello
Chateau de Maisons-Laffitte